What We Buy


Brampton Recycling is a professional recycling company

We accept all forms of ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as electronic waste and batteries! We are dedicated to maintaining the highest degree of safety for our customers, employees, and environment. Visit us today to make the most for your metals!

Non-Ferrous Metals

We accept all non-ferrous products! Non-Ferrous describes metals that do not contain iron and are not magnetic. Non-ferrous metals that we accept include, but are not limited to:

Non-Ferrous Metals

Ferrous Metals

We accept all ferrous products! Ferrous metals describe materials that contain iron and are magnetic. Ferrous materials that we accept include but are not limited to:

Ferrous Metals

Electronic Waste and Battery Recycling

We accept all forms of Electronic Waste (E-Waste). Electronic Waste describes used electronics and batteries which will be salvaged through recycling! E-Waste we accept is including, but not limited to:

Electronic Waste and Battery Recycling

electronic waste


electronic waste



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